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GCAI – Tracktive Makes Our Virtual Office Work


Gyemi Collaborative Architects Inc. (GCAI), born during COVID, is a dynamic and progressive architectural firm with expertise in a wide variety of building types including educational, recreational, industrial, retail and commercial buildings. A design-oriented firm focusing on a modern architectural vocabulary, GCAI operates virtually. 

With a virtual operation, GCAI was in the market for a technology environment that was secure, seamless, redundant and always available from anywhere. 

Additionally, the workspace had to be real-time, flexible and collaborative to leverage the team’s expertise. In concert with their IT provider, GCAI opted for a hosted Tracktive instance with PC-Mac and iOS device access. 

Tracktive is a secure (end-to-end encrypted), real-time project co-pilot, housing all project budgets-actuals, time, notes, documents, disbursements and sub-contracts under ONE roof. 

Over a weekend, all previous MS-Excel housed Client/Project/Activity/Task data was exported, validated and imported into GCAI’s Tracktive instance and made ready for use. 

Monday morning, end-users were trained, first, in a group environment and then individually (about 15 mins each) to use the single, simple form to manage their time via activities and tasks, directly integrated to documents and disbursements. By the end of the day, Tracktive was operational with users fully engaged. Power users received additional guidance on Tracktive’s underpinnings. This simple interface is exactly why Tracktive is your project co-pilot . 

Information entered once, is immediately available to all (with privilege), to truly deliver a real-time collaborative work management solution. Tracktive’s financial underpinnings are always working to provide instant actionable insights and accountability firm-wide. 

Team member and client interactions are richer with the new seamless access to project information. Previously specific details had to hunted down and then shared, now it’s matter of simply sharing one’s screen. A multitude of reports (care of Tracktive’s reporting engine) are a click or two away. Readily shared via email. With a SINGLE source of project and operational truth, GCAI has reduced its operational costs while realizing immediate and quantifiable financial benefits, directly to the bottom-line. 

With hosted Tracktive® in place , Gyemi Collaborative Architects Inc., has: 

Eliminated the multitude of Excel sheets that previously contained project and employee time data into a SINGLE source of Truth. 

Secure access to ALL project information in real time from anywhere. 

Proactively monitor and manage projects with up to the minute financials, to reduce/eliminate any surprises. 

Collaborate internally and externally with information at the ready. 

Been able to deliver project reporting to clients as they want it, via Tracktive’s reporting engine 

• Reduce monthly administration costs by 30%. 

Eliminated offices and the associated overhead costs. 

Minimized technology costs with a single fixed monthly fee that is affordable and predictable. Also, eliminated technology related headaches and large capital investments. 

Click to download PDF version of this case study.

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